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Current AI Practices Could be Enabling a New Generation of Copyright Trolls

Current AI Practices Could be Enabling a New Generation of Copyright Trolls

A new research collaboration between Huawei and academia suggests that a great deal of the most important current research in artificial intelligence and machine learning could be exposed to litigation as soon as it becomes commercially prominent, because the datasets that make breakthroughs possible are being distributed with invalid licenses that do not respect the original terms of the public-facing domains from which the data was obtained.

In effect, this has two almost inevitable possible outcomes: that very successful, commercialized AI algorithms that are known to have used such datasets will become the future targets of opportunistic patent trolls whose copyrights were not respected when their data was scraped; and that organizations and individuals will be able to use these same legal vulnerabilities to protest the deployment or diffusion of machine learning technologies that they find objectionable.

Read the full article at the link below.

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