Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is defined as “The ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.” With the advancement of technology, AI systems have learned to create music and art and, furthermore, today, AI can write poems, novels, stories, and legal articles. As a result of these developments, discussions have begun regarding AI-created works of art, as well as the notion of ownership and enforcement within the context of copyright law.
In modern society, scholars ask whether AI-created work is copyrightable, and whether AI can be regarded as the owner of a copyright. One of the most discussed topics concerns the language of AI’s and copyright. In the United Kingdom, scholars are trying to adopt the phrase “AI-assisted work,” rather than “AI-created work.” With this change, English scholars are trying to establish that AI, alone, cannot create a copyrightable work but, rather, can only assist with the process of creation.
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